Introducing In A Daze!

Introducing In A Daze!

I’ve worked so hard and waited so long but after 2 years of brainstorming, planning, and creating I'm proud to finally introduce In A Daze! The last couple of years have definitely left me feeling like I’m in a daze, from graduating during covid to my many struggles with both my mental and physical health, but during this time I regained my inspiration and love for creating. I have always known I want to own a business that allows me to express myself and represent everything I am and love however the idea felt very overwhelming despite my ambition and goals while I worked to overcome my own personal struggles. I can’t lie and say I’m no longer anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed but I can proudly say I am in a much better place now than I ever thought I would be. Authenticity is important to me, everyone is going through something whether they show it or not and I embrace these feelings and emotions because they remind me we’re all still human. And despite what I feel and experience, I won’t let my fears stop me from pursuing something I’ve always wanted. I am so excited to share my creations and so grateful to be in a place where I feel ready to go outside my comfort zone and do something I’ve never done, I hope you’re just as excited as I am!

- Indika <3

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